Saturday, September 13, 2008

Masked Magician - History of Magic Cameo


The Ghost of Herbert Becker said...

"It's time to change, the audience needs something new, they want to see new things"

Ok, so tell us O Masked One : since you started exposing these moldy old tricks 10 years ago on your first Fox network show how many NEW tricks and illusions have you invented and introduced to the world of magic ?

You seem to put a lot of emphasis on why it's important for magic to grow and change by magicians creating NEW effects , so I would think you'd be out there performing a lot of your new tricks ? So why are you back exposing old tricks and other people's creations ? Are you going to reveal your own creations ? (All your new tricks you've invented to help magic change and grow ? )

Where are your magic shows ? Where do you perform as a real magician ? (unmasked, as yourself , no hiding behind the mask , with all your NEW illusions that I'm sure you've created over the last 10 years ?)

Or can you only perform with the Mask and by exposing other people's creations ?

If you haven't invented a lot of new illusions over the past 10 years (name them and where they have been performed) then it seems to me that YOU are the one obsessed with magic's past and are the one who cannot change . If your only professional experience now is in exposing other people's work with your little mask on then your are the one who has not changed. (it's been 10 YEARS since you've been doing this schtick . Anything new , MM ?

The Ghost of Herbert Becker said...

Here is the Masked Magican's own Biggest Secret Finally Revealed:

What is Valentino's Little Secret ?